Video Lecture Library—Dr. Naviaux’s Talks
Video ID | Date | Topic | Host | Location | Video Length |
1 | 7 Oct 2010 | Mitochondria and Autism | Autism Research Institute (ARI) | Long Beach, CA, USA | 1:05:23 |
2 | 5 Dec 2012 | Environmental Toxicants, Immune Function, and the Cell Danger Response in Autism | Autism Research Institute (ARI) | Garden Grove, CA, USA | 1:01:52 |
3 | 7 Dec 2012 | Ecosystem AIDS, AAIDS, and Autism | Autism Research Institute (ARI) | Anaheim, CA, USA | 1:18:30 |
4 | 29 Apr 2016 | Metabolomics and the Measurement of Environmental Triggers of Childhood Disease | Medical Academy of Pediatric Specialty Needs (MAPS) | Costa Mesa, CA | |
5 | 25 May 2017 | The Metabolic Features of Myalgic Encephalitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) | Centers for Disease Control SEC Program, Drs. Unger and Brimmer | Webinar | |
6 | 12 Aug 2017 | ME/CFS and the Cell Danger Response
| Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) | Palo Alto, CA, USA | 18:43 |
7 | 20 Oct 2017 | The SAT1 suramin clinical trial: the story of a new idea about autism | TACA (The Autism Community in Action) | Costa Mesa, CA | |
8 | 19 Oct 2018 | Mitochondria, Autism, and the Cell Danger Response—I | TACA (The Autism Community in Action) | Costa Mesa, CA | |
9 | 23 Mar 2019 | The Cell Danger Response, Healing Cycle & Chronic Disease | MINDD (Metabolic, Immunologic, Neurologic, Digestive, and Developmental Disorders) | Sydney, Australia | 1:19:05 |
10 | 24 Mar 2019 | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Metabolomics and Future Clinical Trials | MINDD (Metabolic, Immunologic, Neurologic, Digestive, and Developmental Disorders) | Sydney, Australia | 48:40 |
11 | 3 May 2019 | Is it Safe to Heal? The metabolic features of the healing cycle and recovery from chronic illness. (password: VIDEOS19ISEAI) | ISEAI (International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness) | Phoenix, AZ | 58:37 |
12 | 20 Oct 2019 | Mitochondria, Autism, and the Cell Danger Response—II | TACA (The Autism Community in Action) | Costa Mesa, CA | 50:03 |
13 | 11 April 2019 | ME/CFS, the CDR, the Healing Cycle, and the shared biology of chronic disease | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Bethesda, MD, USA | 34:18 |
14 | 2 Dec 2019 | The cell danger response, healing, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder | The Brain Foundation and Synchrony Symposia | Pleasanton, CA, USA | 31:05 |
15 | 9 June 2020 | Metabolomics and Exposomics—New Tools for Health Care Policy, Disease Prevention and Treatment | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child | Webinar | |
16 | 11 Sept 2020 | Metabolomics and Exposomics—A Presentation for the NDR, Inc and ALS Research | Neurodegenerative Disease Research (NDR), Inc for ALS Research | Zoom | 40:20 |
17 | 18 Sept 2020 | Mitochondria, Autism, the Cell Danger Response, and Suramin | TACA (The Autism Community in Action) | Zoom | 27:11 |
18 | 9 Oct 2020 | Mitochondrial targets and defenses in the time of COVID19 | United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF) | Zoom | 15:41 |
19 | 9 Oct 2020 | Metabolomics and Exposomics of Acute Lyme Disease | Lyme MIND and the Cohen Foundation | Zoom | 11:06 |
20 | 22 Oct 2020 | Suramin and Microbiome TACA Q&A session | TACA (The Autism Community in Action) | Zoom | 8:39 |
21 | 8 Nov 2020 | Exposome-metabolome interactions and autism—ripple effects of our changing chemosphere | The Brain Foundation and Synchrony Symposia | Zoom | 28:23 |
22 | 13 Nov 2020 | Metabolomics and Exposomics—Low level exposures, impaired healing, and the risk of chronic disease | The LOLETE (Low Level Environmental Toxin Exposure) Symposium | Zoom | 28:41 |
23 | 12 Dec 2020 | Autism treatment, metabolomics, and the cell danger response | The Brain Foundation and Synchrony Symposia | Zoom | 22:17 |
24 | 25 Jan 2021 | Metabolomics and Recurrent Depression Q&A | Interview with Consultant360 | Zoom | 8:14 |
25 | 24 Jan 2025 | The CDR, salugenesis, and the molecular and mechanical mechanisms, and possible treatments in ME/CFS | Renegade Research | Zoom | 30 minute talk, 2 hours of Q&A |