1. Giannini-Bank of America Medical Scholar (1988)
2. National medical resident of the year award, National Institutes of Health, NIDDK (1990)
3. Hewitt Foundation Medical Scholar (1990-1994)
4. Fogarty international fellow, India (1996)
5. Founder and co-director, the Mitochondrial and Metabolic Disease Center (MMDC), University of California, San Diego (1996-Present)
6. Co-founder, The Mitochondrial Medicine Society (MMS) (1999)
7. Founding associate editor, Mitochondrion (2000)
8. Inaugural Kelsey Wright Award Recipient for the top abstract, UMDF/MMS/MRS Annual Meeting, 2001.
9. Program chair or planning committee member for 25 international mitochondrial medicine meetings (1998-Present)
10. Professor and mentor: 6 high school research interns, 8 undergraduates, 7 graduate students, 3 postdoctoral scientists, 6 visiting scholars, and 1 Fulbright fellow (1996-Present)
11. Ad hoc reviewer: Mitochondrion, PNAS, Neurology, Plos One, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (MGM), Molecular Autism
12. Lifetime Achievement Award, Mitochondrial Medicine Society, 2018